Divorce With Direction
This course is designed for anyone currently going through a divorce or considering one. This course is perfect for those who want to make informed decisions and communicate effectively with their spouse and legal team. It is also ideal for those who are looking for guidance and support to manage their emotions, set goals, and create a vision for their future.
This course is suitable for anyone who wants to take control of their divorce and make the best decisions for their future. Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, a business owner, or a professional, our course is tailored to meet your unique needs and provide you with the knowledge and support you need to navigate the divorce process with a clear direction in mind.
Divorce With Direction
This course is designed for anyone currently going through a divorce or considering one. This course is perfect for those who want to make informed decisions and communicate effectively with their spouse and legal team. It is also ideal for those who are looking for guidance and support to manage their emotions, set goals, and create a vision for their future.
This course is suitable for anyone who wants to take control of their divorce and make the best decisions for their future. Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, a business owner, or a professional, our course is tailored to meet your unique needs and provide you with the knowledge and support you need to navigate the divorce process with a clear direction in mind.
Divorce is one simple word, but loaded with change. Change, in a highly emotional situation, can be a tricky thing to navigate without the help of the right professionals. How you show up, like any other event in your life, matters. Being able to focus yourself on moving forward can save you time and lots of money.
More importantly, and you'll thank me for this later, it will give you peace of mind. This course will give you a chance to dig deep and discover your own personal, powerful evolution.
It will guide you through the challenging, but necessary steps of navigating divorce with a clear direction and purpose.
What You'll Take Away

Gain Control
Gaining control in an highly emotional situation is game changing, but incredibly challenging. This course will walk you through the necessary steps to help you master your own emotions and gain back the self-control you need to navigate your divorce with clarity and purpose.

Get Clear
Sorting through your emotions in a highly stressful situation to get to the important details can seem like an impossible task. This course will teach you how to master the art of organizing your obligations prioritizing them properly.

Focus On the Future
It can be difficult to focus on or even imagine the future when your present is so uncertain. The process of divorce can be messy and hard before you are able reach a new homeostasis. This course will help open your mind to the possibilities that come along with a blank slate and a new lease on life!
Know How You're Showing UP
This is the most critical piece – having the knowledge of how you normally operate vs how you operate when you experience stress can drastically impact your results. Once armed with this knowledge, you can begin to shift how you are handling things and create a different outcome. Believe it or not, you have the power to create change for all those involved. BUT... divorce is a time when you will undoubtedly be triggered all over the place. Getting clear about what you want and why you want it will help you create the clarity you need to lead yourself and your family through this turbulent time.
Self-Care Plan
This is an extraordinary transition. It will likely require strength you're not even sure you have. It will be incredibly helpful for you to identify a few things like massages, facials, meditation, running, and exercise to help release some of the stress that comes along with a transition of this magnitude. Staying centered can not only help you feel better but to think clearer.
Your Dream Teams
Divorce is not the kind of thing you can go at alone. Think about it. You are dismantling the life you are currently living and trying to figure out what the next chapter will look like all while going through one of the most difficult times of your life. It only makes sense to put together several teams of people to help guide you effectively through the process.
InFluential Sound Bites
There are so many people, places and things that can influence our thoughts, moods and responses to events that occur during a divorce. Now, more than ever, it's important to be aware these influences around you and to be conscious of how you are letting them impact you. These sound bites can sometimes be taken out of context in a way that warps it's intended meaning, or, on the contrary, may oversimplify an issue that is truly complex. Well-intended but ill-informed friends, jaded friends, or even the lyrics to your favorite music are just a few examples. This course will help you identify the specific and impactful sound bites.
Imagine What's Next
When you are ready to get curious, maybe even a little excited about the next chapter of your life. Start to give thought to things like what neighborhood do you want to live? What do you want your room to look like? What vacation, big or small, do you want to take? Do you want to go back to work? What will you do with your free time? Is there a course you've been interested in? A new hobby you'd like to try? Is there something new you'd like to experience?
Get Your Groove Back
After all that you've been through, would mediocre really do? Its understandable you'd be hesitant to go into the unknown, but think of it as a do-over or a chance to live your life with more alignment to the things you're passionate about, things that are important to you or things that have been lacking in your life. It's time. It's your time. To create your best life!!!
Continue Your Journey
Life after divorce can be both a terrifying and exciting. Continue a coaching plan to help navigate the emotional challenges that come with divorce, create a vision for your future, gain a wide range of tools and techniques to help you manage your emotions, set goals, and create a plan for your new life. Whether you are looking to start a new career, start a business, or simply create a new and exciting life, our coaching program is designed to help you achieve your goals.
What Else You'll Get
- ELI Assessment
- Weekly Lessons
- Worksheets
- Videos
“My work with Bernice began at a critical time in life. I was working through a divorce, parenting struggles, and the need for a significant career shift. Therapy is something I was familiar with and was engaged in simultaneously, something to help me untangle the whys behind what got me where I was. But coaching is a different, equally critical tool, not just to get through a difficult time, but to thrive and see goals to fruition. Coaching with Bernice kept me from staying stuck on bad days, hurtful conversations, and self-limiting fears.
Bernice's work may best be described as a partnership during transition and growth in both my home life and my career simultaneously, when allowing fear and uncertainty to influence my thoughts and actions could have had devastating consequences in the long run. My coaching work with Bernice supported my self-confidence as I made difficult choices, ones that felt like leaps of faith but that I was coached to believe and then experience as learning to listen to my gut.
Over the course of 2 years, I made it through the challenges inherent in divorce, both emotionally and financially, and in career moves that were critical to my work towards self-actualization in that area of my life. In the last 7 years, I completed my doctorate, my career has flourished, my income tripled, and opportunities for growth have grown exponentially. These achievements happened during the vulnerable and opportunistic time of transition, and are feats I know were facilitated by my exceptional coach, Bernice.”
Dr. Of Physical Therapy, Health Care Policy and Regulatory Affairs Leader
"You can't change the past anymore than you can predict the future - but you can create it."